
Evidence-Based Argument
Lesson plans and teaching resources

Prompts by category for the student who can't think of anything to write about.

This 5-lesson unit uses the Langston Hughes poem "Mother to Son" and a portrait to emphasize facts and opinions. Includes writing task. Designed for grade 2.

Handout detailing introduction, narration, confirmation, refutation and concession, and summation. Two pages, Adobe Reader required.

This blog explains the difference between opinion writing, persuasive writing, and argument.

This guide provides teachers with strategies for helping students understand the differences between persuasive writing and evidence-based argumentation. Students become familiar with the basic components of an argument and then develop their understanding by analyzing evidence-based arguments about texts. Students then generate evidence-based arguments of texts using a variety of resources. Links to related resources and additional classroom strategies are also provided. Designed for grades 6-12.

This activity introduces students to analyzing an argument.

Using The Princess Bride and other works as models, this page presents five aspects of a good thesis statement.

In this lesson students analyze the work of winners of the New York Times Learning Network's 2014 Student Editorial Contest as well as professional models from the Times editorial pages to learn how writers effectively introduce and respond to counterarguments. Then they write their own position pieces, incorporating counterarguments to strengthen their claims.

This 3-page handout asks middle school students to read an article, respond, and identify the voice. It includes a graphic organizer. Requires Adobe Reader or compatible application for access.

This resource covers using logic within writing — logical vocabulary, logical fallacies, and other types of logos-based reasoning. Follow the links on the left for the complete resource. Part of the Online Writing Lab at Purdue University, this resource is appropriate for high school students and older.

Students explore and understand the use of transition words in context and write their own persuasive essay using transition words. Includes printable handout. This lesson is designed for grades 5-8.

Over the course of three lessons the students will compare and contrast two different versions of one of the most iconic events in American history: the midnight ride of Paul Revere. The comparison will be made between the poem "Paul Revere’s Ride" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and a description of the event written by Paul Revere himself. Students will use textual evidence from these two sources to draw their conclusions and write an argumentative essay.

Students read a New York Times article about the use of sabermetrics in radio broadcasts of baseball games. They write a persuasive response. This writing task is the second of four prompts here. Common Core Standards indicated. Don't miss the link to Abbot and Costello's "Who's on First?"

Position Papers
Links to strategies and prompts.

Looking for a resource that presents both sides of an issue? Try this one!

High school students develop research skills by investigating a case being heard by the Supreme Court.

This article discusses and provides a model for teaching argument. Adobe Reader required.

Five models designed by college instructors. Scroll down for 10 additional tips.

Questions about the value of a zoo lead to informational text, research-based writing, and critical thinking.

Introduction and 5 activities supporting study of the State of the Union Address: edit the speech, support or defend one statement from the speech, evaluate the topics chosen, write a critical response, write a catch phrase.

Through constructing a necklace students visualize a plan for including the central idea, supporting facts, and a clincher sentence in a paragraph.

Students learn how authors support an argument using different types of evidence. The class watches the Op-Doc "China's Web Junkies" (link included) and notes how the filmmakers build their argument. Designed for ninth grade.

A directory of tools for verifying, fact checking and assessing the validity of social media and user-generated content.

This writing assignment asks students to choose something that is important in this modern world and write an organized case that persuades others of their item's significance as a Fifth Element; helping the rest of us comprehend its "essential magnitude."

In addition to defining "argument," this site includes an exercise in avoiding logical fallacies.