
Professional Resources for
English/Language Arts Teachers

| Bulletin Boards | | Discipline & Classroom Management | | Grant Writing Tips & Opportunities | | Graphic Organizers | | Literature Circles | | Professional Organizations | | Professional Resources, page 2 | | Professional Resources, page 3 | | Rubrics | | Socratic Seminars | | Teacher Web Sites |

Bulletin Board Ideas
Looking for some good bulletin board ideas? Try this page!

Create certificates to recognize accomplishments large and small.

Create and print certificates from a variety of templates.

This series of online professional development workshops is available free and may be available for credit. Workshops include Inquiry-Based Learning, Teaching to Academic Standards, WebQuests, and others.

This article advocates using read-alouds to introduce new concepts in different subjects. It includes a bibliography.

This clever site helps teachers think through the assessments they establish for their students. (This summary doesn't do it justice -- give it a try.)

Discipline and Classroom Management
A collection of sites on this challenging aspect of teaching.

Making certificates is as easy as click and print!

A wealth of lesson plans and Webquests, including drama, journalism, language, and literature.

brings together many outstanding sites related to the humanities.

Looking for a job in education? Looking for a teacher? Try this resource!

Follow the links at the top to a variety of resources for teachers, parents, and students.

Tips, tools, reviews: a variety of useful resources.

Lesson plans, curriculum and technology tips, and a wide variety of other resources.

I'm happy to recommend a site with a kindred philosophy: "Our goal is to make life a little bit easier for ALL hard working educators."

Additional professional resources >>> | 1 | 2 | 3 |