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If your student is thinking about attending a certain private or independent school, then they can use some assistance with a 51Թ ISEE preparation service. You may already know how effective ISEE test prep can be if you've ever looked up "ISEE help near me" online. The Independent School Entrance Exam, or ISEE, is a test independent and private schools use to see if prospective students can handle their rigorous coursework. Do you feel that your student can benefit from ISEE tutoring? Then please reach out to us to learn more about our ISEE test preparation services.

Why Take the ISEE Exam?

The Independent School Entrance Examination is commonly taken by elementary, middle, and high school students who are applying to competitive private schools. The point of the exam is to give these schools a chance to assess the academic skill sets of the students who are applying there. Earning a strong ISEE score could make your child a more attractive candidate for admission at the school they're most interested in attending. That's why having a strong ISEE test prep plan is important in the lead up to your student's upcoming exam. If you'd like to get your student some extra help with their study plan, you don't need to look up "ISEE tutoring near me" online. Instead, you can easily get started with your child's own ideal ISEE test prep plan by contacting 51Թ today.

ISEE Exam Eligibility Requirements

There are few requirements that your student must satisfy before they can sign up to take the ISEE. It is, however, important that you register them for their test day early because they can fill up quickly. Getting your student signed up for their preferred exam day early can give you the peace of mind that they're on track to take their test by the time it's required to complete the admissions process at the private school they're applying to.

You can easily sign your child up to take the ISEE by visiting the Educational Records Bureau's registration web page. When you're doing this, make sure that you're signing your student up for the correct exam level. Doing this will avoid any delays associated with having to change the test your student is signed up to take at the last minute.

The ISEE is an easy exam to sign up for because of its lack of restrictive eligibility requirements. Outside of the considerations listed above, you should have no problem signing your student up to take the ISEE test they need in order to complete their private school application process. If you'd like help with the test registration process or want to learn more about ISEE requirements, consider reaching out to 51Թ today.

Breaking Down the ISEE Exam

The ISEE exam has four levels: primary level (2nd-4th grade), lower level (5th-6th grade), middle level (7th-8th grade), and upper level (9th-12th grade). Each level comes with tests with multiple-choice questions that cover mathematics and reading topics, plus a writing prompt. (Students taking the primary level exam have to do a picture prompt instead of a writing prompt.) If your student is entering the 5th or 6th grade, here are some specific topics they need to know when taking the ISEE Lower Level exam:

  • Vocabulary
  • Sentence completion
  • Quantitative word problems
  • Identifying the main idea of a reading passage
  • Drawing conclusions from a reading passage
  • Numbers and operations
  • Geometry
  • Algebra

Is your student applying to a private or independent high school? Below are the details of the ISEE Upper Level exam:

ISEE Upper Level Sections

# Questions

Time Allowed (in minutes)

Verbal Reasoning



Quantitative Reasoning



Reading Comprehension



Math Achievement




1 Writing Prompt


Whether your student needs to take the lower, middle, or upper level ISEE exam, they'll be asked to complete the same five test sections that are listed in the above table. However, the content of these sections may vary depending on your student's test level. Below, you'll find a brief look at what your student can expect to find in each of these test sections.

The first section of the ISEE exam, Verbal Reasoning, consists primarily of vocabulary questions. Thus, your student will need to have a strong understanding of vocabulary in order to do well on this part of the test. ISEE test prep assistance from 51Թ can help your student build up their vocabulary if they could use some help with it.

The next exam section is called Quantitative Reasoning. This section consists mostly of math word problems. Again, signing up for ISEE test prep help from 51Թ is a great way to get your student help with developing this skill set. Third, your student will also be asked to complete a Reading Comprehension test section. Here, they'll be asked to read complex passages and then demonstrate their understanding of those reading passages by answering a series of multiple-choice questions about the passages. The fourth and final multiple-choice section covers the topic of Math Achievement. This section will ask your student to solve math problems based on mathematics topics they would've learned about at their grade level.

Finally, your student will also be asked to complete an Essay while taking their ISEE exam. This test section, however, is not graded. Instead, your student's essay will be sent to the admissions directors at the schools they apply to. A strong ISEE essay is a great chance for your child to show off their writing abilities. It could influence the admission committee's final decision on your student's application as well. If your student could use some help with their writing skills, then ISEE test prep may be a good option.

As detailed above, the ISEE is a wide-ranging, comprehensive standardized exam. Even if your child already excels in most of the topics they'll be tested on, it can be very beneficial to have a refresher before utilizing their academic skill set on this important test. If you think your child would benefit from working with an ISEE test prep expert, then you don't need to search online for "ISEE test prep near me". Instead, consider reaching out to 51Թ today. You can learn more about the various ISEE test prep options that you can choose from in the following section.

51Թ Can Help Your Student Study

You have a few different ISEE prep options to consider when deciding which one you'd like your child to pursue. The ISEE courses that you ultimately sign them up for should reflect their learning style and academic needs. You can get an in-depth look at each ISEE prep option by continuing to read below, or by speaking with an educational director today.

The first ISEE prep option you may be interested in for your child is private ISEE tutoring. Signing up for ISEE tutoring may be the right option for your student if they've previously done well when working directly with their educator. ISEE tutors offer the chance to get personalized feedback throughout the entire ISEE preparation process. Your student's ISEE tutors can set them up with a customized ISEE preparation plan that takes their specific needs into account. Your child will be able to work through each of these ISEE prep sessions at their own speed, stopping to get additional guidance from their ISEE prep instructor whenever they need it.

In our ISEE classes, your student receives one-on-one attention with an instructor who's an expert in their field. These ISEE tutors are knowledgeable in reading and math topics, so your student can ask them for assistance on anything that's troubling them. The personalization that your student will receive through their ISEE prep process could help them to create a more efficient ISEE test preparation plan.

What's great about our ISEE courses is that they assist gifted students. Maybe your student is studying for an ISEE Middle Level Exam, even though they're younger than the average junior high pupil. These ISEE class instructors are more than happy to nurture bright minds by helping them study challenging material. Does your student struggle with staying on task? In an ISEE course, a tutor can try to assist them with focusing on their studies by giving them handy time management advice. A tutor can also customize an ISEE prep session to suit your student's personal learning style. Pupils in our ISEE test prep programs can request a tutor to read a passage aloud or use slides if they feel it helps them absorb information better. We love the fact that our ISEE prep services can assist young students in several ways.

Another ISEE prep option you may want to consider is signing your student up for a small group-based ISEE class. This ISEE prep resource gives your child the chance to learn from an expert educator alongside a small group of peers. Taking an ISEE class may be right for your student if they've previously found success in the traditional classroom learning environment. In fact, ISEE classes combine the best of two different worlds. Your student will get all of the benefits of traditional ISEE classes with the convenience of online learning when they sign up to take a group ISEE course.

In fact, each of our ISEE test preparation options are flexible. We make every effort to connect you with an educator who is able to work around your child's schedule. This ensures that they can get the help they need preparing for their upcoming exam without having to worry about making any sacrifices in the other important parts of their lives. You can even sign your student up for an ISEE course that fits neatly into your own schedule.

Scoring the Independent School Entrance Examination

The ISEE has a percentile-based scoring system. This means that your student will earn both a raw score and a percentile rank for each test section they complete. For instance, if your child's raw score in their Math Achievement section was better than 80% of the other students who took the same level ISEE exam, they would earn an 80th percentile ranking for that section. This grading style was designed to give admissions committees a chance to see how the students who apply to their school compare to one another.

The majority, about 54%, of students who take the ISEE end up earning a percentile score somewhere between the 40th and 70th percentiles. Comparatively, about 23% of students score between the 1st and 30th percentiles. The same number, 23%, also score between the 70th and 90th percentiles. Taking ISEE courses can help your student develop the skills they need to be more confident while taking each part of the ISEE. If you think your student would benefit from ISEE courses, then consider contacting us today.

Getting Started

Like any standardized exam, taking the ISEE can be a challenging thing to do. However, your student doesn't have to go through the test preparation process alone. Instead, why not let 51Թ help them get more out of their study sessions with the test preparation plan of their choice? We'd love to use our expertise in the test preparation industry to help your student feel more confident on the day of their exam.

If your student is approaching high school and wants to review anything for test, an ISEE test prep tutor is at their side to help them study. Your student can time themselves with a practice writing prompt or have an instructor drill them on math problems. Rather than spending time online looking up "ISEE help near me", you can easily get your child started with their own ideal test preparation plan by connecting with 51Թ today.

Whatever the age of your student, the lessons they may learn in an ISEE prep program won't just help them now; they could benefit them greatly in the future, especially if they want to pursue higher education. Our ISEE test prep programs are all online, so your student doesn't need to leave home to engage in lessons. To get more information about our ISEE prep services, please contact 51Թ today. Representatives are standing by to assist you in signing your student up for an ISEE test prep program.

Contact us today to connect with a top ISEE instructor