
Award-Winning ACT Test Prep

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Who will be taking the ACT?

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We've helped over 40,000 students with ACT and SAT preparation

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Understanding whether you've taken the ACT before helps us determine the right level of instruction for you.

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My son needed to raise his English ACT score above a 30 for a scholarship. He took the ACT twice and received a score of 25 on both attempts. With 24 hours of instruction from 51Թ he made a 33. We're so thankful to his instructor Winter, he was marvelous!!

— Kimberly

If you know it, what is target ACT score?

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My son needed to raise his English ACT score above a 30 for a scholarship. He took the ACT twice and received a score of 25 on both attempts. With 24 hours of instruction from 51Թ he made a 33. We're so thankful to his instructor Winter, he was marvelous!!

— Kimberly

How much of a score increase are you looking for?

51Թ helped our son raise his SAT over 100 points, and his ACT 3 points, which resulted in being accepted at all of the schools he applied to. We were very happy with our instructor and will definitely utilize VT again for our other children.

— Heidi

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Every 51Թ ACT student gets access to our adaptive assessments which evaluate exactly where they need help on the ACT to both save them time and help them do their best.

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We've been helping students do their best on the ACT since 2008.

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Understanding your timeframe helps us to develop a tailor-made learning plan just for you.

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We have a 4.9/5 average customer satisfaction rating.

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Great experience with knowledgeable instructor who stayed on topic and explained in an understandable way. Raised my ACT score in the Math area by 9 points.

— Melissa

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51Թ helped my daughter achieve an ACT score of 31! She was awarded a $36,000 scholarship. The cost was an investment in our daughter’s future with an awesome return! Thank you 51Թ!

— Twala

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We know every student is unique. And they deserve a tutoring experience as unique as their needs. With thousands of tutors available, we're confident to find the one best for you.


Get results. Guaranteed.

We're proud of our students and the improved scores they've achieved. We believe your student can do the same. That's why we promise to help them get a better score or we'll give you your money back.*

Whether your student is preparing to take the ACT for the first time or attempting to build upon an existing score, 51Թ offers a few different ACT prep options to help them as they pursue their academic goals. If you've been searching for "ACT test prep near me," look no further than 51Թ.

The ACT is the standardized college entrance exam most commonly taken by high school juniors and seniors across the country. The results are used for both admissions and college placement decisions. Additionally, there is a career planning component to the ACT. Your student's ACT prep instructor can help them research the schools they are interested in attending to find out what their requirements are regarding ACT scores.

While all post-secondary institutions in the country accept your student's ACT score as part of their application process, some have expressly stated score requirements for admittance, some have general guidelines and preferences, and others take the ACT score into consideration without specific requirements. In addition, some schools require applicants to complete the optional Writing section, depending on which program they are applying for. Working with ACT test preparation professionals through 51Թ can help make this less confusing, and can help your student use the information to set their ACT score goals, which can then guide their ACT course study schedule.

Since the ACT exam could have a huge impact on your student's future, determining where they're admitted to college and even if they get a scholarship, formal ACT test prep could prove to be a solid investment. If you feel that your student could benefit from an ACT course, ACT tutoring, or a combination of ACT test preparation services, contact 51Թ today to learn more about any of our ACT prep assistance options.

All high school juniors and seniors in the country are eligible to take the ACT exam, and more and more high schools are offering the exam at no cost to the students' families. Your student's ACT prep instructor can help them gather the few application requirements, such as their preferred test date and location, career choices, and a list of the colleges and universities they'll be applying to, along with a few other simple items.

One of the first components that will be addressed in your student's ACT class is an overview of what they can expect to face on exam day. The following table details each of the five sections on the test:

ACT Sections


Score Range
















Clearly, your student will have no shortage of academic material to cover during their ACT test prep. One of the greatest benefits of ACT tutoring is the flexibility allowed in preparing each ACT prep session. Even in the small group ACT courses, ACT tutors can make sure to spend as much time focused on subjects that each student needs to work on to reach a proficiency level that allows them to feel confident going into the test.

How can ACT classes near me provide comprehensive coverage of ACT test material?

51Թ provides ACT test prep by connecting your student with knowledgeable ACT tutors who are familiar with the entire content of the ACT, including the Writing section. To begin with, the English section has 75 questions and allows students 45 minutes to complete them. Their ACT test prep can help them review grammar, punctuation, style, transitions, sentence structure, and the rest of the topics that could come up when they take the actual ACT exam.

The Math section provides 60 minutes for students to complete 60 math problems. The ACT is designed to assess how well students have learned subjects in high school, so during your student's ACT preparation, they'll mostly be reviewing material they have already studied at some point. For the Math section, ACT test prep can include as much time as your student needs refreshing their knowledge of pre-algebra, algebra, intermediate algebra, plane geometry, coordinate geometry, and elementary trigonometry.

The Reading and Science sections have 40 questions each, and both provide 35 minutes for completion. The sections are also similar in how questions are presented. Students read passages and then answer questions following each passage. ACT classes can cover skills in craft and structure, key ideas and details, and integration of knowledge and ideas for the Reading section. For the Science section, your student's ACT test prep instructor can go over the best way to understand and respond to passages involving data representation, conflicting viewpoints, and research summary.

Finally, ACT prep tutors can help your student develop effective writing skills to answer the prompt on the ACT Writing section in the 40 minutes allotted for the essay. Prompts cover broad social issues, and require your student to analyze three separate perspectives given in the prompt, and then demonstrate how their opinion relates to these perspectives. The essays are scored based on the how well your student uses ideas and analysis, development and support, language use and conventions, and organization in their final written piece. One method frequently used by ACT prep tutors is to offer numerous practice essay prompts, and work closely with your student to develop the skills necessary to earn their best possible score.

How can ACT tutoring near me prepare me for the exam in addition to reviewing content?

There is more to quality ACT test preparation than just going over the subjects presented on the exam. It's important to spend time during ACT classes focusing on the format and structure of the exam, as well as strategies to overcome potential obstacles. A lot of testing anxiety comes from students not knowing what to expect when they sit down at the testing location and open the test material. ACT tutoring can help avoid this in a number of ways.

You probably noticed that each section provides a specific, limited time frame for students to answer all the questions presented. If your student tends to work quickly, that should be no problem. If not, spending ACT test prep time working on pacing and time management could be valuable. Often, this type of ACT prep is provided through practice test sections. Your student's instructor can present timed ACT practice sections that simulate the actual ACT testing situation. Their tutor can observe how your student answers questions, and offer strategies that could help them improve their pacing. One such strategy may be first answering those questions they find easy and then going back to work on the more challenging ones. In the end, it's important to answer all the questions because there is no penalty for a wrong answer, but they will be marked down for providing no answer.

Another strategy your student may work on during their ACT test prep involves increasing the likelihood they can answer a question correctly even when they don't know the answer. Similarly, the strategy can be used to answer some questions on the Math section without spending the time to fully work out the problem. ACT tutors can encourage your student to trust their first instinct, and use that to narrow down the choices. Often your student can eliminate all but two answers just by using common sense. Then re-reading the question and analyzing what specifically it's asking for, which is definitely something they can cover during their ACT preparation classes, should make the answer obvious. If necessary on a math question, your student can learn to work just enough of the problem to be able to determine which of the two possible answers is correct.

These are just a few examples of the types of strategies students can learn with the help of ACT prep provided through 51Թ. There are plenty more, and ACT test prep instructors can decide which ones would be most beneficial to your student based on their individual strengths. Some strategies work better than others for different students, and because 51Թ offers either one-on-one or small-group ACT prep options, tutors have the opportunity to get to know your student well enough to know which strategies may be most useful for them. This allows them to provide your student with customized practice problems to get familiar with using each technique.

Can ACT courses near me provide tutoring customized to meet my needs?

If your student is more confident in their knowledge or one or two sections than the others, a private ACT class may be tailored to their unique needs. For instance, a mathematics wizard may spend less of their ACT prep time going over the Math section in order to focus more time and effort improving their active reading and vocab skills. Even within a small-group setting, all ACT classes can provide one-on-one instruction, so your student never needs to leave a topic behind until they are fully confident in their ability to successfully answer those questions on the ACT exam.

As mentioned above, 51Թ can provide students with either one-on-one or small-group ACT test prep. Some students may benefit more from the complete flexibility of private study sessions and the precise customization allowed. Other students may perform best in a more collaborative learning environment. 51Թ offers ACT courses for both kinds of students. Small-group classes allow a handful of students to share an online classroom, where they're free to help and encourage one another as they study so everyone can work toward their academic potential. If your student is involved in a small-group ACT class, they always have the option to request as much one-on-one instruction time with the instructor in addition to the regular class time. We offer these options so that your student is able to make the most of the resources available to them.

You may find the following list helpful if you or your student are curious about the specific topics that might be discussed during an ACT course:

  • Algebra
  • Exponents
  • Scientific Notation
  • Geometry
  • Interpreting Graphs and Charts
  • Summarizing Scientific Findings
  • Drawing Conclusions from Provided Data
  • Interpreting Reading Passages
  • Comparisons and Analogies
  • Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation
  • Sentence Structure

What other benefits can ACT test prep near me provide?

Students spend their years in school continually being evaluated, whether through standardized tests, final exams, quizzes during class, or some other method. It would be great if they could leave all this assessment behind when they graduate high school or even college. But that's pretty unlikely. No matter what career your student goes into, they can expect to face an evaluation of one sort or another. This isn't always presented as an official test, but sometimes it is. Therefore, their time spent in their ACT preparation class could provide them with the unexpected benefit of learning how to prepare for tests.

Taking a test and preparing for a test are not the same thing. Some people are naturally good at preparing for and taking tests. The rest of us can definitely benefit from learning a logical, realistic, structured method to prepare for important exams. If your child faces certification exams during the course of their career, they'll be able to recall the test prep methods they learned from their ACT tutoring. Therefore, ACT test prep provided through 51Թ can actually benefit your student for the rest of their life.

51Թ professionals understand how busy high school students and their parents can get, so we strive to make all of our ACT test prep services as convenient as possible. Tutoring takes place in our Live Learning Platform, providing students with the same benefits as they would if they were meeting in person, but without the hassle of having to drive to even more activities than you already do. We also offer new ACT courses every week, and you may choose if you prefer a two-week or four-week course. In short, 51Թ does everything possible to make ACT prep more convenient.

If you would like more information about how ACT test prep through 51Թ can help your student as they work towards achieving their goals, or if you're ready to enroll your student in one of our ACT test prep services now, please contact us using the information provided below. Expert Educational Directors are standing by to help with any questions you may have. We're excited to help your student with their ACT preparation right away.

Contact us today to connect with a top ACT instructor