
Award-Winning MAP Test Prep Near Me

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Knowing that your student will take Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessments throughout the year shouldn't be something that causes a parent or student stress, and one way to help make that less likely is to begin MAP test prep with assistance from 51Թ. The one-on-one attention could soothe a child's anxieties about test taking, help them to understand concepts they struggle with, and to provide a refresher for the concepts they do understand well.

MAP assessments are meant to measure what a student knows and their growth trajectory. These computer-adaptive tests ask a variety of questions based on how students answer the questions before. On account of this, no two students take the same exam. That's one reason that MAP prep with a personal tutor can be beneficial for students of all ages. MAP courses may include discussion of a variety of topics, all of which are appropriate for a pupil's age and grade level. MAP tutors get to know your student and create personalized MAP classes that focus on what a student struggles most with.

There are a few MAP assessments - one focuses on growth, another on reading fluency (this one is specifically for students in Grades K-3), and Skills. Skills can be given throughout the year, while the growth interim assessment may be administered just three times each year. Because there are different concepts that educators measure for students at different levels, the list of MAP exam topics below is not extensive.

MAP Exam Topics (Non-Comprehensive)

  • Number sense and operations
  • Algebra
  • Spatial Sense
  • Data analysis
  • Author's Purpose and Tone
  • Text Structure
  • Analyzing Literature
  • Creative Writing Techniques
  • Developing and Supporting Arguments

MAP test preparation can begin anytime, and because there's no time limit on MAP test prep sessions, if a tutor feels that a student needs more time with some topics than they do for others, they can slow down and really focus on the tricky academic subjects. A MAP class through 51Թ is unique in that a student and tutor don't have to be in the same place to conduct MAP tutoring sessions. This is because 51Թ has a Live Learning Platform that can connect pupil and tutor from anywhere.

For more than forty years, educators have used data from MAP assessments to ensure that students are placed in the appropriate academic levels. School districts use this data for curriculum planning each year as well. With the results of these assessments being used so widely, it's a great idea to take advantage of MAP test prep with a personal tutor, especially if you know your student has challenges or deals with testing anxiety. A tutor can develop a plan where, during MAP test prep, they work with pupils on managing test anxiety and managing their time so that they have the opportunity to answer as many questions as possible. This could help your pupil's teachers to get a fuller picture of where your student is excelling academically, and where they might be struggling.

A MAP prep course through 51Թ can be a great tool to help a student get what they need from their academic lives. These tests help schools determine curriculum, and your pupil's results can help educators personalize instruction to assist your student in learning, and challenge them as well if that's what they need. Contact 51Թ today to find out how we can connect you with a fantastic tutor for your student's MAP test preparation.

Contact us today to connect with a top MAP instructor