
Award-Winning CCNA Routing and Switching - Cisco Certified Network Associate-Routing and Switching Test Prep Near Me

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If you are working toward your CCNA Routing and Switching certification, 51Թ offers CCNA Routing and Switching prep to help you along the way. CCNA Routing and Switching prep offers resources and instruction devoted to the specific needs of this certification exam. CCNA Routing and Switching prep is focused on your needs and offers a flexible learning environment.

As the demands on core network engineers change with new technologies, receiving a CCNA Routing and Switching certification is an opportunity to stay up-to-date and advance your career options. CCNA Routing and Switching test prep can help you understand the demands of new technologies. CCNA Routing and Switching test prep can help you understand the format and content of this certification. Below is a table detailing the exam topics for the composite CCNA option:

CCNA Study Categories

  • Network Fundamentals
  • LAN Switching Technologies
  • Routing Technologies
  • WAN Technologies
  • Infrastructure Services
  • Infrastructure Security
  • Infrastructure Management

There are two ways to achieve your CCNA Routing and Switching certification. You can work through the CCNA composite option, detailed above, or you can choose to pursue your certification through the ICND1 and ICND2 certification exams. CCNA Routing and Switching test prep can help you prepare for either option. Below is a breakdown of the topics and layout on the ICND1 and ICND2 exams:

CCNA Exam Topics

Topic Percentage of Test
1.0 Network Fundamentals 15%
2.0 LAN Switching Technologies 21%
3.0 Routing Technologies 23%
4.0 WAN Technologies 10%
5.0 Infrastructure Services 10%
6.0 Infrastructure Security 11%
7.0 Infrastructure Management 10%

Your CCNA Routing and Switching class will take place online. Our Live Learning Platform allows you to attend your CCNA Routing and Switching course from wherever is most convenient for you. You can access the benefits of private tutoring from your home, workplace, or your favorite coffee shop. We want your CCNA Routing and Switching preparation to be it as efficient and convenient as possible, and online meeting is a great way to do that.

Your CCNA Routing and Switching preparation is based around your particular learning needs. There is no specific syllabus for CCNA Routing and Switching classes, which means your instructor is able to focus on the portions of the exam that are most difficult for you. Also, CCNA Routing and Switching tutors are able to adapt their instruction to your learning style. By focusing on your learning style, CCNA Routing and Switching courses help you to learn in ways that will help you retain the information better.

During CCNA Routing and Switching prep, you have the opportunity to develop a study plan with your tutor. Your study plan can reflect your goals and abilities, and it allows you to maximize the time that you spend preparing. Additionally, an effective study plan can help you to feel more prepared and confident as you enter the exam.

During your time in CCNA Routing and Switching test prep, you and your instructor can discuss test-taking strategies. The test-taking strategies you discuss during CCNA Routing and Switching prep can be tailored to the specific demands of the exam. You and your instructor for CCNA Routing and Switching test prep can investigate the sorts of questions that appear on the certification exams and devise test-taking strategies for those types of questions.

51Թ offers CCNA Routing and Switching prep to help you make the most of your time getting ready for the certification exam. If you believe that the direct instruction, personal focus, and flexibility of CCNA Routing and Switching test preparation can make a difference for this aspect of your professional career, contact an educational consultant online or over the phone to register.

Contact us today to connect with a top CCNA Routing and Switching - Cisco Certified Network Associate-Routing and Switching instructor