Certified Tutor
I would consider myself to be a jack of all trades. I love to learn, and to be introduced into something new each and everyday. There is an endless amount of things to learn in this life. I just enjoy being exposed to not only the facts of the information, but also the perspectives of the people who live it out each and every day. What fuels my desire to learn about a vast number of subjects is my ability to pick up information rather quickly, there is a catch however to being a jack of all trades. The catch is that you're next a master at anything only a student of everything. I think my profession above all is that I am a professional and life-time student.
On a more personal note of who I am, I am 23 years old and I have lived in Las Vegas my whole life. I have aspired to be a teacher ever since I was about 12 years old. I enjoy mostly outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, hunting, and fishing. I also enjoy a very hours playing a good video game as well; mostly PC but I also enjoy Nintendo games. A major goal of mine would be to teach on a college level by becoming a professor. I enjoy communications as a study but also like writing, not sure which one I will end up teaching through my major. I am a Christian, hopeful that is seen more so in my actions rather than what I say. Thank you for your time in reading this. :)
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Undergraduate Degree: College of Southern Nevada - Associates, Secondary Education with Physical science emphasis
I enjoy hiking, fishing, hunting, board games, table top games, and I am also a PC gamer.
- 10th Grade Writing
- 11th Grade Writing
- 12th Grade Writing
- 1st Grade Math
- 1st Grade Writing
- 2nd Grade Math
- 2nd Grade Writing
- 3rd Grade Math
- 3rd Grade Writing
- 4th Grade Math
- 4th Grade Writing
- 5th Grade Math
- 5th Grade Writing
- 6th Grade Math
- 6th Grade Writing
- 7th Grade Writing
- 8th Grade Writing
- 9th Grade Writing
- College English
- College Essays
- Elementary Algebra
- Elementary School Math
- Elementary School Writing
- English
- Essay Editing
- High School English
- High School Writing
- Homework Support
- Math
- Middle School Math
- Middle School Writing
- Other
- Pre-Algebra
- Public Speaking
- Summer
- Technical Writing
- Writing
What is your teaching philosophy?
My concept of teaching philosophy is a back and forth of a particular bit of information that is eventually learned by connecting itself to a previous memory. The way that I like to teach is by first learning the material in a way that I ask myself the question, "how would I explain this information to someone else?" In asking that question, I make connections to not only packaging the information but also learning it in a way that makes a connection to previous memory. The reason why I believe that this method works the best is because, when I connect a new idea with an old, it works very well for me to understand the material quickly and also in a long term fashion.
What might you do in a typical first session with a student?
Within a first session with a student it's very helpful to get an outline of the subject. A great way to solve any problem is to first step away and get some distance from the problem to begin with, and look at a bigger picture rather than being stuck on a single problem.
How can you help a student become an independent learner?
One way of teaching is not to just help them with the single problem, but get to the root of what information that they are missing in order for them to solve future problems on their own. So with tutoring I would also emphasize how I solved the problem in more broad ways that will be helpful for future problems as well. For example, if they're struggling with writing a paper the best thing to do is to develop an outline. Once they understand how an outline can help them with their paper, they will then be able to use that method with any other writing projects that they receive in the future as well.
How would you help a student stay motivated?
Students stay motivated by seeing success in their work. By seeing the fruits of your labor, that's how we're able to continue working without getting burnt out. Therefore, while I would be tutoring them, I would give them very simple and small goals that are easily accomplishable, and once they complete them I will use those minor accomplishments that will help continue to motivate themselves to the point of finishing the assignments on their own, or even understanding a concept that they were previously struggling with.
If a student has difficulty learning a skill or concept, what would you do?
Students who have difficulty learning a skill or a concept are usually victims of the pace at which the material is being given to them. Within our education system, there is so much information that is given at an alarming amount that it's no wonder that kids are falling behind; therefore, slowing down the pace or the time and amount in which they are receiving the information should help them digest the information a lot better.
What strategies have you found to be most successful when you start to work with a student?
Listening is the best strategy that I have. When I am first working with a student, they're usually coming from a position of frustration in which they don't feel like they have the ability to solve the problem or they think that it is too difficult. Plus, it also helps prevent me from assuming things that are not true.
How would you help a student get excited/engaged with a subject that they are struggling in?
I would get a student engaged and excited about a subject that they were struggling in by shrinking the expected goals that had been previously set. Instead of the goal being set to finishing the whole assignment, we would slow the process down and focus on just one problem at a time, and as they successfully completed each problem I would build their confidence through those little experiences to make a better overall experience pertaining to the subject.
What techniques would you use to be sure that a student understands the material?
An easy technique to ensure that students understand the material is to, once they've completed a problem, having them explain what they just did in their own words. Similarly, to that would be, once I explain something, having them recite it back in their own words without just copying what I said.
How do you build a student's confidence in a subject?
Building a student's confidence is as simple as breaking down the material to much smaller bit size pieces. Any subject that they're dealing with can always be broken down smaller, and therefore to an equal level that is comfortable with the student. Once the material is broken down to that level and they are able to successfully answer questions and understand the information on their own, that's where the confidence will be built. It may take longer since the information is spread out in a much larger scale, but it is necessary for every student to learn at their own pace.
How do you evaluate a student's needs?
I would evaluate a student's needs by being attentive to their language towards the material. What they verbally say about the problem that they're having, in what tone they say it with, and the duration of the explanation all play into understanding of where the student is at. As a tutor, I feel that it is our job to meet the student where they're at in their current understanding and get them to a place of proficiency. I believe that being a good listener is the best way to evaluate the needs of a student.
How do you adapt your tutoring to the student's needs?
My main goal within tutoring is finding the correct pace that each student needs in order to understand the information. I believe that the education system is a complete mess because teachers are not allowed to give each student the necessary time that they need to understand any given material. So my adaptation of the material would be through the form of pace; most students do fine with complex information as long as it is given to them at their pace and in an appropriate size.
How do you help students who are struggling with reading comprehension?
Students who struggle with reading comprehension usually struggle with keeping focus on what they're reading at any given time. Repetition can work some of the time, but most of the time it is more of an annoyance and a painful reminder that they're struggling in this area. One tip that I have found very useful for me personally and for other students is reading out loud. This helps with retention and keeping the students focus on what is going on, considering the fact that the student’s ears are now aiding them in exposure to the material.
What types of materials do you typically use during a tutoring session?
Materials that I plan on using during a tutoring session are mostly digital. I have my PC, webcam, and screen. One of my new favorite tools that I just got is a graphics pad. It works wonderfully with writing on the white board through the online platform. I am much more used to writing with pen and paper for math assignments, and it's nice to have that similar feel back even through an online interaction.